Magnificent Rangotsav in Gyanbagh

“Pushpadol is tied there, Naranarayan is placed; Dahyo Me'to Natha Vanmali, educated two Brahmins Bhali. Maharaj said Dwij come, worship Badrish; Today is the day of his festival, everything is ready.
Sriharililamrita K.7, v.60
O devotees! Pushpadolotsav means the day of birth of Naranarayandev who appeared in Badrikashram. As it was the day of Phagan Vaad, Sri Hariji carried the idol of Naranarayan in a flower carousel and had it worshiped by Brahmins and then Maharaj swung it.
O devotees! Saints and devotees made hodge and filled it with color in Jnanbagh. The Eastern Kund was named Santkund and the Western Kund was named Harikund. A large pile of pitchforks was made. Joban Pugi and Narayangiri prepared 1400 Pichkaris! And Abeel-Gulal was no match. Devotees like Jobanpagi filled many carts and called for gulal.
O devotees! Having fully prepared to play, Santo called Srihariji and Joban Pagi gave the golden pitch into Maharaj's hand. The leading devotees again worshiped Maharaj and Muktananda Swami performed the Aarti after placing Sri Hariji on the flower carousel.
O devotees! Then the saints took Srihariji to the color pool and requested him to play with colors. Then Maharaj stood at Harikund and painted the saints with a pitcher. So the saints in Santkund also filled the pitchcari with color and put it on Srihariji. Then everyone started playing.
“Should rise in color, like the streams of a great cloud; Anya anya udade gulal, dise avni ne akash lal. Played like that many times, then spoke life support; Now two by two Tani Thao Jod, Karo Khel Axi Mankod.
Sriharililamrita K.7, v.61