

Hanumanji – Ganapatiji

Roop choki ugamani wide, thathi a period in the north; Haribhakta Hiraji Shalat, Ghade Hanuman idol. The devotees who came to see, said that the ghat is very good; Prabhu Thane Prasanna Apar, gave a garland of flowers. And in the heart of that idol, Champya Charan two teh time;
Sriharililamrita K.1, V.15, Kd.47-49

O devotees! Hanumanji Maharaj means devotee of Rama. Hanumanji means the clan god of Dharmakula. Hanumanji means the husband. Hanumanji means the one who serves every avatar knowing his Ishtadev Sriram. Hanumanji is the direct proof of what an ideal servant should be and Hanumanji is the 'budhimatan senirim' who knows the correctness of Sama, Dama, Bheda and Danda.

O devotees! Heerabhai Salat used to make an idol of Hanumanji in the north direction of a Roopchoki in the eastern direction of the temple. Srihariji went to see that idol. When I came, I saw that the idol of Hanumanji was being worked on. Sri Hariji was very pleased to see him and gave the prasadi necklace he was wearing to Hiraji Kadiya and placed both his feet in the chest of Hanumanji's idol. After the idols were ready, they and Ganapati were worshiped in the eastern direction of the temple.

“From the temple it was eastward, to come and go to Bari; The road was wide, Krishna made a door there. Gananath and Hanuman, laid this place with their own hands;

Sriharililamrita K.1 v.16

O devotees! At present there is Hanumanji - Ganapatiji at the east door. Earlier there was only one window to come and go. So Sri Hariji cut that window and made a big door there. The lord of both the gods himself has performed the Aarti of Pratistha, so go to see both the grandfathers of Prasadi. Hanumanji Maharaj is named Bhidbhanjan by Hariji.
